After doing a few small projects, I am in need to deploy the application to iphone as many features doesn't work in simulator
- Calling to a phone number
- Sending an SMS
- GPS / Location
- Accelerometer
So, we need to learn how to deploy a project to iphone so that we can be able to see what those features really looks like. I have found a good tutorial that shows how...
We need to create certificates. We need two types of files
- .p12 files
- .mobileprovision files (adhoc and appstore distribution)
From the link blog, following step by step we shall be able to create them. After that we need to open Application->Utilities-> Keychain Access and double click on it. We have to make sure that the certificate files are showing on the list like the image below.
Now, we need to open Xcode->Window->Organizer and select "provisioning profiles" Tab include/import/drag and drop the .mobileprovision files. It should look the the screen shot below.
Now, need open the project in Xcode and double click on the "Project Name" on the left nav bar named "Groups & Files" and on the "Build" tab on "code signing" section-> "Code Signing Identity"-> "Any iOS Device"-> We should select the development profile like the screen shot below.
Now, we shall select Target->"Project Name"-> and double click on it. On "Build" tab, we have to make sure it looks like below.
And on "Properties" tab, we have to make sure that "your company name" is changed to the appropriate company name the one that you have registered with in Apple site.
Thats it. Now, select "Device" instead of simulator for build properties like the screen shot followed and attach you iphone device with designated cable and hit "build and run". Your application should appear on iphone by this time.
Adios Amigos for now!
- Calling to a phone number
- Sending an SMS
- GPS / Location
- Accelerometer
So, we need to learn how to deploy a project to iphone so that we can be able to see what those features really looks like. I have found a good tutorial that shows how...
We need to create certificates. We need two types of files
- .p12 files
- .mobileprovision files (adhoc and appstore distribution)
From the link blog, following step by step we shall be able to create them. After that we need to open Application->Utilities-> Keychain Access and double click on it. We have to make sure that the certificate files are showing on the list like the image below.
Now, we need to open Xcode->Window->Organizer and select "provisioning profiles" Tab include/import/drag and drop the .mobileprovision files. It should look the the screen shot below.
Now, need open the project in Xcode and double click on the "Project Name" on the left nav bar named "Groups & Files" and on the "Build" tab on "code signing" section-> "Code Signing Identity"-> "Any iOS Device"-> We should select the development profile like the screen shot below.
Now, we shall select Target->"Project Name"-> and double click on it. On "Build" tab, we have to make sure it looks like below.
And on "Properties" tab, we have to make sure that "your company name" is changed to the appropriate company name the one that you have registered with in Apple site.
Thats it. Now, select "Device" instead of simulator for build properties like the screen shot followed and attach you iphone device with designated cable and hit "build and run". Your application should appear on iphone by this time.
Adios Amigos for now!